I'm gonna be miserable next week. My ex compadres and jolly good fellows at Alf's Motorcycles are all pilgramiging to the annual 24 hour motorcycle endurance evnt at Le Mans. This is the first year since Alf has been racing that I won't be able to accompany them. (One good thing I suppose you won't have to read my race report this year).
Anyway, I said I'd write a brief intro for their site to help them out. (Helps make me still feel involved) so I thought I'd share it with you burghers in the fourth dimension of cyberspace.
Don't worry not a great deal to wade through but there are a few links if you do wanna know more or maybe purchase one of their t-shirts to show a bit of support.
Those who may remember me know what it's all about, but for the wider audience who don't read on my friends.....
2008 24 hour Endurance racing - Circuit de Bugatti Le Mans - France
For the fifth time Team Alf's Endurance Racing will be venturing across the water to compete in the prestigious Le Mans 24 hour motorcycle event. Team Alf's will be joing Team Diablo666 and Phase One Endurance Racing as one of the three British entrants this year.
Hoping to improve on their first DNF recorded last year Alf has been busy tweaking and improving the '07 spec ZX-10R for this season.
The decision was made to stick with the twin piper as opposed to opting for the new '08 spec machine. The reason being that effectively every time you opt for a new machine the search for parts and tuning goodies is ten fold harder as it takes time for all these parts to become available.
Unless you are a multi budget WSB or BSB team you have to make your own way without factory support, (a tiresome fact of life, despite this race being probably one of the best places to test any piece of machinery as witnessed by the BMW factory who used this series last year to shakedown its expected WSB machine for 2009, no surprise that it performed very well, as well as sounding like a WW2 bomber every time it circulated.The big boxer caused quite a stir in the paddock).
This scrabble for the right equipment always comes down to a last minute scramble and does not help the organization and fettling of the machine. Sticking with the previous years model ensures that there is a ready supply of parts available and at a cheaper price, also by the second season these parts have been tried and tested and if neccesary modified to suit.
With this in mind, Alf has further improved the bike with a modified and lighter subframe to accomadate a new (secondhand cast off) one piece bespoke aluminium race tank which helps lower the centre of gravity. The electrical gremlins have hopefully been ironed out which contributed to the DNF also recorded at the Bol D'Or in 2007. The Ohlins front superbike spec forks have been thouroughly checked and fiddled with to solve the rider's complaints of front end instability last year, (though the Dunlop tyres were also a contributing factor). Gearing has been agreed on, Race number #59 has been retained and this year the team have a garage all to themselves. G NO.49 if you want to pay them a visit.
The team have carried out two days of testing already at the circuit and Alf is confident that a top ten finish is achievable withing the new class. WEC spec which is the superbike spec and shares the same class as the factory teams and top privateers such as Phase One and GMT94 for example.
This years riders are
John Crockford following in the footsteps of previous Alf's riders
John McGuinness, Guy Martin, John Barton,Gus Scott and Ronnie Smith
John has plenty of experience under his belt, highlights being experience in British Supersport & Superbike racing since 1998. Privateer Champion in British Superbike Series 2000. High overall placings in British Supersport series during 2001-2003. Raced in the British Supersport and Superstock - Rounds between 2004-2007. Also in 2007 took part in UK National Endurance achieving 3 pole positions, setting 3 -Fastest lap s and scoring 1 win. 2007 Bol D'Or
Joining John this year are also Matt Layt - Racing since '99. Started of 600cc Clubman racing. '00 SuperClub 4th overall moved into Junior Superstocks then Supersport During '01-'02. BMW Boxer Cup in '03 as well as Pro Bike BSB Championship. '04-'08 participated in series such as Superstocks NW200 and Daytona (USA).
Stephen Thompson - Irish Clubman Championships '94-'00. Participated at races such as NW200 in 250 and Superbike classes '00-'04, the Macau GP '04 - '05 and Ulster GP '06-'07.
Fourth rider will be Declan Swanton - Racing since '99. Short circuit racing and hill climbing inIreland. '00 winner of Irish Clubman 600ccSupersport class,-'01 Jnr Superstock Championship finishing 3rd, '02 European Superstocks, 03British Supersport, '04 Irish Superbike championship finishing 3rd,'05 - '07 NW200 and Irish Superbike Championship.
You can keep up to date throughout the race by visiting the official
Le Mans website and if you'd like to know more then check
Clive McNeil's comprehensive and specific site dedicated to Endurance racing current and past. We will post a few pix when we return and have slept a little. It's always so exhausting you need a holiday to get over it, or at least a link to view images in a library or similar.
Last but no means least. Alf has managed to squeeze a few quid out of the budget to produce some race support T-shirts for not alot of money. Contact the shop if you'd like to show your support by purchasing one of these luvverly garments.
C'mon Alf time to show them how good that bike is, time to prove that all those hours and all that money has not been in vain!!!Oh by the way don't forget to check out the
UKBike main site if you want to find a ZX-10,
read a review. From memory there's my C model review on there and fingers crossed I'll be riding the new '08 spec bike next week, clement weather expected etc, so will be scribbling frantically about that no doubt when it happens. Also hoping to get some good viddy also.
Still looking for personal biker and
bike reviews and will shortly be re-instating the free t-shirt promotion with new design as well as hopefully announcing a massive and fantastic one off prize for the best submitted. Can't say what yet but for five minutes of time it'll be a blinder of a prize. Oh yes my friends.